With the AWS IoT button going away, is it still possible to build simple automations with IoT buttons and connect them to AWS IoT Core?
Your code may function fine, but is it maintainable, extensible, or even readable!? If not, then you may want to start walking on the path to cleaner code.
Want to speed up your own development? Then start learning by deadline
Level up your trading strategies by introducing machine learning
If you want to focus on a quality network, then try to meet twice
Leverage the power of your Keras models in your iOS apps by learning how to detect the difference between dogs and cats.
Manage and Protect your Classes with the Proxy
Say goodbye to positional parameters and long signatures with the builder pattern!
Simplify construction of your like classes with the factory.
A simple guide on how to take your Jupyter notebooks, and put them into production with AWS SageMaker
My own personal study guide, and some resources and tips that will help you pass the exam!
Reduce complexity and improve usability with the facade pattern!
How I used DynamoDB, API Gateway, an IoT Button, and React to start tracking the diapers that I have been changing.