Drake-isms: Learning by deadline

Want to speed up your own development? Then start learning by deadline


Do you find that you are consistently making progress, but that progress seems to be going nowhere? Then this rule might be for you. I love to learn, but I want to make sure I'm getting somewhere with my learning. This is why I like to learn by deadline.

The rule

Learning by deadline is simple! When you are setting out to learn something, then set a deadline! But not just an arbitrary deadline. I like to set an external deadline.

External deadlines

External deadlines can look like many things. Here are some examples of what that may look like.

📖 Studying for a certification? Try scheduling the certification before you start studying. That way you will have something tangible to work towards.

💻 Wanting to learn a new technology? Try signing up to teach it at a lunch & learn, conference, or other event. The best way to learn is to teach. And the best way to teach is to have a deadline that prepares you for the event!

🚀 Wanting to get a project off the ground? Try bringing in an accountability partner who you can set deadlines with. That way, you can focus on the MVP, and force yourself to limit scope to get a product out the door.

Benefits of deadlines

I find that with a deadline, you will not only learn more, but you will accomplish more. Sometimes, we just need a deadline to help achieve better results.

So try it out! Next time you are wanting to grow, then think about how you can grow publicly with a deadline!

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